A great entry level IEM, though it may take a few things to really make it good, such as new tips, cable, or a portable amp, which makes a big difference. With an excellent price to performance ratio, BLON BL03 is a balanced all-rounder, musically coherent IEM, and very fun to listen to.When it comes to in ear monitors in budget segment then these are the options that many people consider. 17.9K subscribers This video is a comaprison between KZ ZSN PRO vs Blon Bl03. Link to original below! I’m very happy with their performance and looking to expand my Porta Pro collection. The Quarks should be pretty universal as it's really small and .1y update on Shrek Porta Pros, made by the girlfriend in question because boyfriend didn’t want to and I think the combo of my hair, Porta Pros and Yaxi pads deserves appreciation. Then the BL-03 often has fit/cable issues for people. For example with this two cables 2 pin connector I can use them on my zsn pro, blon 03 and trn v90.2. Just go with 2 pin connector silver plated cable and you cannot go wrong. I bought months ago a trn 16 core silver plated cable for 7,10€ and just bought for my (second) pair of blon 03 the Y brand 8 core silver plated for 9,70€ on 11/11. minecraft bedrock survival island seeds 2022. Blon bl03 vs kz zsn pro redditWith an excellent price to performance ratio, BLON BL03 is a balanced all-rounder, musically coherent IEM, and very fun to listen to.